Our Mission

SVACR is an independent, conservative organization committed to supporting and defending the principles of our Founding Fathers as written in the Constitution of the United States of America.

Take Back Our Country!

At this time in history, we are engaged in a battle to take back our fundamental constitutional rights.  We invite everyone who considers themselves conservative to join us as we work to take back our country, beginning at the school board/city council levels and working our way to the top!

Equip Conservatives for Action!

To win this battle for our County, State and Nation, SVACR equips our members with Education and Resources including:

  • Monthly Meetings with speakers who provide information not available from FAKE News.

  • Online tools to connect and advocate for and against legislation and government policies.

  • Voter Guides

  • How to Run for Public Office

Network with Like-Minded Organizations!

SVACR seeks to multiply our efforts by working with and linking our members to other organizations and individuals who stand for:

  • America First Policies

  • Parental Rights

  • Medical Freedom

  • Faith, Family, and the Sanctity of Life

  • Second Amendment Rights

  • Freedom of Speech and the Press

  • Preservation of Capitalism

  • Business Friendly Policies

  • Fair Tax Policies


Questions to any member of the Board of Directors can be sent to info@svacr.com

President: Jan Soule - jansoule@svacr.com

First Vice President: Wendy Brukwinski

Second Vice President: Mingi Bodine

Recording Secretary: Linda Price

Corresponding Secretary: Constance Denning

Treasurer/Membership: Lisa Seago membership@svacr.com

Parliamentarian: Diane Owen

Social Media: Sabrina Lin

Community and Campaign Events: Lisa Marshik

Conservative Networks: Jane Kearney

Greeter Lead: Jo Kawanami

Member at Large: Sherrill Martinez

Member at Large: Diane Eisenhauer

Member at Large: Helen Meng

Moms for America/Legislation: Vivian Mills

New Member Welcome: Sandy Gray

Newsletter/Online Communications: Wendy Brukwinski

Military Outreach: Kathy Imamura

Special Projects: Linda Rost

Sunshine: Norine Bacon