Election Cycles

Election Cycles in California

Most registered voters are aware that there is a presidential election every four years in November but are often puzzled by the bevy of elections that happen at other times.

 Here is a short tutorial on elections in Santa Clara County:

  • There are two major election cycles:

    • General Election –Presidential Election –Every 4 years on the first Tuesday after the first Monday. The next General Election is in 2024

    • Mid-Term Election—Gubernatorial Election—Every 4 years on the first Tuesday after the first Monday. The next Mid-Term Election is 2026

  • Each major election cycle has a Primary election:

    • For the General Presidential Election the Primary is held on the first Tuesday following the first Monday in March. [March 5, 2024]

    • For the Mid-Term Election the Primary is held on the first Tuesday following the first Monday in June. [ June 2, 2026]

  • General Election—Candidates on ballot. (2024 Next Election)

    • Primary Election—March 5, 2024

      • By political party we vote for DELEGATES pledged to a specific presidential candidate.

      • By political party, members are elected to serve on the party’s County Central Committee. For Republicans that would be to serve on the Santa Clara County Republican Central Committee (SVGOP).

      • To determine TOP two candidates for each Congressional Seat. [If a US Senate Seat is up for election, it will be on primary ballot.]

      • To determine TOP two candidates for each State Senate and State Assembly Seat. [Note: State Assembly (80 Seats) are a 2 year term so they are on ballot every two years.  State Senate (40 Seats) are 4-year terms and half of the State Senate Seats are up for election every two years.]

      • San Jose City Council—Even numbered seats

      • Santa Clara County Board of Supervisors –half of the seats

    • General Election – November

      • President and Vice President of US

      • Face off of top two for: Congressional Seats, US Senate (if on ballot), State Assembly, State Senate, San Jose City Council and County Board of Supervisors.

      • Half the seats of City/Town Councils (other than San Jose)

      • Over 110 School Board seats representing half the Board of Trustees for every elementary, high school, unified school district and community college district.

      • Many special districts

  • Mid-Term Election – Candidates on Ballot. (2026 Next Election)

    • Primary Election—June 2, 2026

      • To determine TOP two candidates for Governor, Lt. Governor and other stateside offices including Attorney General, Insurance Commissioner, Superintendent of Public Instruction, Controller, etc.

      • To determine TOP two candidates for each Congressional Seat. [If a US Senate Seat is up for election, it will be on primary ballot.]

      • To determine TOP two candidates for each State Senate and State Assembly Seat. [Note: State Assembly (80 Seats) are a 2 year term so they are on ballot every two years.  State Senate (40 Seats) are 4-year terms and half of the State Senate Seats are up for election every two years.]

      • San Jose City Council—Odd numbered seats

      • Santa Clara County Board of Supervisors –half of the seats

    • Mid-Term/Gubernatorial Election – November 3, 2026

      • Governor, Lt Governor and statewide offices including Attorney General, Insurance Commissioner, Superintendent of Public Instruction, Controller, etc.

      • Face off of top two for: Congressional Seats, US Senate (if on ballot), State Assembly, State Senate, San Jose City Council and County Board of Supervisors.

      • Half the seats of City/Town Councils (other than San Jose)

      • Over 110 School Board seats representing half the Board of Trustees for every elementary, high school, unified school district and community college district.

      • Many special districts


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