Structure of the Republican Party

How the Republican Party is organized

Californians are frustrated!   How many times have you felt like yelling at your TV or heard others complain that both political parties are useless?

Do you want to end this frustration?

Some people just like to complain about the government and politics because it gives them something to do.  Assuming that you are in the group who would be willing to take positive action to change the political climate in California, the following tips will be helpful:

Ensure you are part of the political process

Register to vote as a Republican and vote.  If you are registered as an independent (aka, Declined to State, No Party Preference), then you have absolutely no voice in shaping what the party stands for and the candidates that are nominated to run.

Understand how the Republican Party is organized: Structure of the Republican Party

  • Republican National Committee (RNC) is made up of three representatives from each of the 50 states and 8 US territories. In order to run for president of the US, a candidate must be endorsed by 5 or more of the states and territories.  Currently the RNC is headed by President Trump and Chairman Ronna McDaniels.  California is represented by GOP Committee Members Harmeet  Dhillon and Shawn Steel and the Chair of the California Republican Party, Jessica Patterson.  These three individuals were elected by the delegates to the California Republican Party.

  • California Republican Party (CRP) has general direction over statewide election campaigns for Republican nominees for state elective offices. The delegates to the CRP are chosen by the Republican Central Committees in each of the 58 California counties or earned their status by virtue of running as a Republican for partisan office.

  • 58 County Republican Central Committees. Each county in California has a local Republican Party that is running by an elected “Central Committee”.  Although this sounds like something akin to the “Soviet Politburo”, California Election Code calls for the election of “Central Committee Members” for all qualified political parties.

Hold your local Republican Central Committee Members Accountable.

Your local county Republican Central Committee is responsible for registering voters, finding qualified candidates to run for office, training candidates, raising money and turning out the Republican vote at election time.  If you live in Santa Clara County and are a registered Republican, then you are represented on the Santa Clara County Republican Central Committee (SVGOP) by members elected by the Republicans living in your Supervisorial District.  Find out who represents you and hold them accountable.

In the upcoming March 2024, primary, all 25 standard seats on the SVGOP Central Committee will be up for election.  Find out who is running and make the best choice!  Only registered Republicans will be able to vote for President Trump and members of the Central Committee.


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