Events and Meetings

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Are you ready for economic Armageddon?

Are you ready for economic Armageddon?

To no surprise, Jerome Powell recently said that the Fed still doesn’t have inflation under control. In fact, the Federal Planning Bureau is now admitting that inflation will continue to increase through 2025. This is exactly what Victor Reed warned us about when he spoke to our group last year. Since then, inflation, interest rates, and gold prices have skyrocketed, and Goldback values have risen more than 25%.

Even left-controlled federal agencies admit that inflation isn’t stopping anytime soon, and the stock market bubble primed to burst.

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Gender: A bit of this, a dash of that.

Gender: A bit of this, a dash of that.

Erin Friday, a California mom and leader within the parent advocacy group Our Duty, rescued her daughter from transgenderism. Erin’s daughter was introduced to transgender ideology in a sex-ed class in seventh grade.

Using the Genderbread person, the students were taught that they could have “a female body with a male brain” and that gender is a spectrum.

“The seed was planted after that class,” she said. “And in fact, all of her friends, there were five, sat in my front yard saying what their new labels were.” She also said she was “alarmed by the language that they were using, including ‘pansexual,’ which is not a term that 11-year-olds should know.”

Erin’s daughter believed she was “pansexual,” then “lesbian,” and then “transgender.” At the same time, her daughter’s mental health plummeted severely as she suffered from depression.

After about a year and a half of counseling, tough love, and many tears, Erin’s daughter reidentified with her biological gender and now has a strong relationship with her mother. But Erin wants to stop this from happening to any other kid. So she’s founded an initiative called ProtectKidsCA.

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California Has a Huge Deficit! Who’s Gonna Pay for That?

California Has a Huge Deficit! Who’s Gonna Pay for That?

We keep hearing about the great “California Exodus” and census figures show we’ve lost an alarming number of residents over the past couple years. And those leaving are typically middle- and upper-income citizens who, if not billionaires, still generate a lot of income tax revenue.  We have a huge problem which by all indications will require higher tax revenues. But where do the tax experts expect this money to come from? Hear Jon Coupal, President of Howard Jarvis Taxpayers Association, discuss this issue.


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When Justice Becomes Unjust, Who Protects the Unprotected?
to Mar 28

When Justice Becomes Unjust, Who Protects the Unprotected?

When a group of citizen observers witness thousands of cases of election irregularities but the state refuses to correct them, who defends the citizens? When pastors are sued because they refuse to turn away worshipers desperate for a place to practice their faith, who protects the pastors from the county? Mariah Gondeiro, attorney with Advocates for Faith & Freedom, discusses the latest on cases attacking our civil liberties.

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China’s Global Expansion: Past & Future and What it Means to the USA

China’s Global Expansion: Past & Future and What it Means to the USA

Nan Su, Epoch Times – January 24, 2024

Coming off the recent Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation conference, where are we with China’s global expansion and how will it impact Americans? With bi-partisan support, the US government is quickly changing gears on its China policy. The change has left the American public, especially the business sector, with lots of uncertainties when it comes to dealing with China.


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“Crime is Down but Fear is Up” - Should we believe our lying eyes?

“Crime is Down but Fear is Up” - Should we believe our lying eyes?

Riverside Sheriff Chad Bianco – November 29, 2023

Crime is rampant everywhere we turn. Car-jackings, retail smash & grabs, unprovoked stabbings, druggies shooting up in broad daylight, and very few of our neighborhoods are untouched by those overnight car break-ins. Yet our elected officials are telling us everything is under control and any thievery that happens is only because the thieves need bread. What’s the truth? And how can we fix it?


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The Road to Restoring the Family: Leaving a Lasting Inheritance

The Road to Restoring the Family: Leaving a Lasting Inheritance

Senator Mike Morrell – October 25, 2023

Having stronger families makes for a stronger nation, but it can be tricky to keep up that strength with heightened stress, anxiety, and negativity found in this present world. How can we bestow upon our children wise counsel to help them grow into good people and strengthen future families for generations to come?


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Pending Economic Collapse? Federal Digital Currency? How Should You Prepare?

Pending Economic Collapse? Federal Digital Currency? How Should You Prepare?

Victor Reed, Passage to Liberty – June 28, 2023

With all the upheaval in the world today, we may be headed for a big financial collapse. If it happens, what should you do to survive? Victor Reed takes us through the history of modern banking, the vicious boom/bust profit cycle, who the players are, how did we end up with fiat currency, and what are the steps you can do to keep from losing your savings and being forced into the Fed Now digital currency scheme.


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A Medical Police State Coming our Way!

A Medical Police State Coming our Way!

Alix Mayer, Chairman and Co-founder, Freedom Now Foundation - May 24, 2023

Alix Mayer is Chairman and co-founder of the Free Now Foundation. In the 1990s, at the age of 29, Alix ran a worldwide research group at Apple until the Hepatitis B vaccine physically disabled her and gave her brain damage. She calls her decades-long disability her “Runner-Up Darwin Award” for not researching vaccines prior to rolling up her sleeve. Alix deconstructs how the fake “supra-emergency” was created, and illustrated how a continuation of what was implemented during lockdowns will ultimately lead to a medical police state, if we do not collectively refuse to participate.


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How Deep is the Swamp?

How Deep is the Swamp?

Adam Andrzejewski, CEO/Founder, – April 26, 2023 is the largest private repository of U.S. public-sector spending. CEO/Founder Adam Andrzejewski’s talk, “Making America Accountable Again” was a wake-up call as he gave a birdseye view of the corruption taking place in our state (CA), from LA County lifeguards making up to $510K per year along with perks like automobiles and pie in the sky pensions, to the current governor’s “first partner” running her nonprofit (which has become quite profitable) instilling her “woke based” curriculum in the state school system using for-profit loopholes to enrich their empire. If that wasn’t enough to get everyone’s attention, since 2006, the IRS spent $35.2 million buying guns, ammunition, and military-style equipment. Seems they’re serious about making sure you turn your tax return in on time. Also seems it’s time for us to “Keep the Second Amendment Great Again!”


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Who’s Really in Charge of Your Kid’s Education?

Who’s Really in Charge of Your Kid’s Education?

Lance Christensen – March 22, 2023

Lance Christensen has spent two decades in public policy and politics, most recently with the California Policy Center (CPC) where he serves as VP of Education Policy and Government Affairs. Christensen was candidate for California Superintendent of Public Instruction on the November 2022 statewide ballot. His message, “Who is Really in Charge of Your Education System?” was about the importance of getting involved at the local level to bring change to the public school system through The School Choice Initiative that would harness California’s tax dollars to create Education Savings Accounts so that the money follows the child. Clearly, it’s time to get involved with our school boards!


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Environmental Mafia in California?

Environmental Mafia in California?

Katy Grimes - February 22, 2023

Katy Grimes, Editor of the California Globe, is a long-time Investigative Journalist covering the California State Capitol. She provided an in-depth review of the current propaganda that is being pushed by Sacramento under the cover of “Climate Change.” California has an infrastructure crisis, a more than $1.5 trillion of unfunded public employee pension debt, 1/3 of the entire country’s welfare recipients, more than half of the nation’s homeless drug addicts are living on California streets, government-created droughts and wildfires, rolling blackouts and more. Her talk was fact driven with multiple examples of how extreme activists are driving the state legislation on every front and the trillions of dollars that are being wasted and re-directed for political gain. Her full speech can be read at:


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Hormone Therapy Almost Killed Me!

Hormone Therapy Almost Killed Me!

General Meeting with David Bacon

David Bacon brought a message of hope, though mixed with pain, as he spoke about his path of transition to becoming a woman and how he found his way back. This was the first time David had spoken publicly before a group and, though not a polished speaker, SVARW was given insight into how this young man was mentally influenced to enter into the journey and he shared in detail the anguish he experienced because of that decision. His openness during the time of Q&A was a life story everyone present will never forget.


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